The GMDF Amateur Theatre Festival Rules & 2024-25 Entry Forms

The new season will be opening on Monday 2nd September 2024 and closes Saturday 31st May 2024.

An overview of the GMDF Theatre Festival can be found here.

The main entry / adjudication request form is here.

There are no restrictions on the number of productions you may enter into the Festival. However, there is a proviso and that is the preliminary entry form is completed and returned to us by the 17th June 2024. 

The preliminary form requires you to list your forthcoming production dates and it’s vital that you supply us with that information in order that all the productions may be distributed amongst the four adjudicators. Without this information the sytem of allowing unlimited entries into the Festival simply cannot work. So do please get that form filled in and returned to us, we don’t particularly need to know the name of the production it’s the dates and obviously whether it’s a play or a musical / pantomime that we need to know. The form is an easy one, simply fill it up online, and hit the submit button.

The Youth Production Cast & DoB form, if required, is here.

It would greatly assist the administration if we could have all entry forms submitted at the beginning of the season. Payment for entries must accompany the main entry form. We would welcome payment by BACS and details regarding such payments are on the main entry form.

For entries to be eligible into the Festival the Society’s annual subscription must be paid.

The Festival rules are here, please take the time to download them and read them. Thank you.

Our 2024 – 2025 Adjudicators

Links to the following advice regarding Licences and Copyright Duration are contained within the rules but if you wish to look immediately at the law surrounding these requirments please click the respective links. Thank you.

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