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Cues! the GMDF Newsletter

A very important aspect of the Federation’s services is the publishing of its newsletter called Cues! It is issued on an “as and when required” basis.
Cues! is distributed via email to all member societies, as well as a wide range of individuals and companies associated with theatre and just as importantly, the local press across Greater Manchester. It keeps Amateur Theatre in touch with the world, but more significantly, the world in touch with Amateur Theatre.

It includes editorials, news, reviews, articles, advertisements, basically anything that our members need to communicate to our readership.

Subscribing to CUES! is very simple, just click here and fill in the form, easy peasy. GMDF never discloses your details to third parties. Our full privacy statement is here. Below are some recent editions of Cues! but when you have signed up to Cues! you will be able to see a full archive.

The editor is always looking for info about our members, so if you have something to say please email us

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