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About / Join the GMDF

The GMDF … Promoting, Encouraging, Assisting, Developing Drama – it’s what we do.

If, after reading about what we do, you decide you would like to join us, please click here to go to an application form. We look forward to hearing from you. Any queries………….please email us.

The Greater Manchester Drama Federation (GMDF) is recognised as one of the leading associations representing amateur theatre in the North West of England.

The GMDF is a registered charity, Registration Number 517020 and our governing Constitution is here. The GMDF’s affiliated network alone makes it one of the largest regional organisations of its type and it’s Full Length Festival, is probably the largest drama festival to be held in Europe. We also hold a long established, annual, week long, One Act Play Festival.

If you wish to find out more about taking part in Amateur Theatre please note that we are not a performing company. Please click here to see our members who will be happy to hear from you.
The GMDF’s aims are:

  • To provide a central organisation through which the membership can take co-operative and concerted action in all matters which concern non-professional theatre
  • To foster mutual assistance and encouragement and to arrange meetings where useful discussion between societies can take place
  • To press for greater recognition of our work by public bodies, in particular Central Government, Local Government and Charitable Trusts
  • To develop and extend the services already provided and so increase the level of assistance available to members for their stage productions
  • To promote the general public in ‘live theatre’, so providing a cultural activity of acknowledged value in this modern era of increased leisure time
  • To cultivate improved standards and technical effort within the non-professional theatre. This to be acheived through:
    • the media
    • educational courses
    • lectures
    • competitive festivals critically and constructively adjudicated by recognised experts

To involve and encourage at all times, in every facet of the theatre, the youth drama movement in the Greater Manchester area.

Please note: the services (particularly courses & workshops) that the GMDF provides are only available to affiliated groups and their members.
The GMDF does not provide contacts for commercial companies or agencies, especially those enquiring about utilising amateur theatre companies or their members for filming or productions of any kind. Such queries will not receive a response.

The Board of Management comprises some 12 people all of whom give their services free of charge to the Federation and through a network of society liaison officers, provide advice and assistance regarding all aspects of amateur theatre. Our Governing Constitution is here.

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